Send Payment
Redirect URL | Method | # |
---|---|---| | POST |
Parameter | Type | Position | Required? | Description |
Content-Type | string |
Header |
Not Required |
application/json |
Accept | string |
Header |
Not Required |
application/json |
Authorization | string |
Header |
Required |
Bearer TOKEN |
item | string |
Body |
Required |
Your item name, will display as payment title |
description | string |
Body |
Not Required |
Your payment description |
amount | double |
Body |
Required |
Key in the payment amount |
reference_no | string |
Body |
Required |
Provide your own unique system reference no. You may use this reference no to check the payment status. <= 140 characters |
quantity | string |
Body |
Not Required |
Item quantity |
callback_url | string |
Body |
Required |
Web hook URL to be called after payment's transaction completed. It will POST a payment object. refer here |
redirect_url | string |
Body |
Not Required |
URL to redirect the customer after payment completed. The customer will see lekirpay receipt if redirect_url is not present. |
cancel_url | string |
Body |
Not Required |
URL to redirect the customer if the payment canceled. |
method | string |
Body |
Not Required |
Either GET or POST. Allows clients to select data redirect via GET or POST. Default is POST due to legacy compatibility. |
phone | number |
Body |
Not Required |
Customer phone number |
string |
Body |
Required |
Customer email number | |
name | string |
Body |
Required |
Customer name |
charge_to_payer | string |
Body |
Not Required |
"true" or "false"
Transfer the total transaction fee to Payer/Buyer to bear it |
group_id | string |
Body |
Not Required |
Added to default group if group_id is not present |
Example request
curl -X POST \ \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImViZGJiMWMyMThiN2FlNGYxMjYwYTI5MTQzNWMzZTcxYzg2YTY5OTg2YmVjNzc5YjY3M2ZkZTk0M2I0MGIzMTAyYjM5YmZiMDQzNWI5N2NhIn0.eyJhdWQiOiI3MzQ2NzQxNyIsImp0aSI6ImViZGJiMWMyMThiN2FlNGYxMjYwYTI5MTQzNWMzZTcxYzg2YTY5OTg2YmVjNzc5YjY3M2ZkZTk0M2I0MGIzMTAyYjM5YmZiMDQzNWI5N2NhIiwiaWF0IjoxNTc2NzQ4NzE2LCJuYmYiOjE1NzY3NDg3MTYsImV4cCI6MTU3ODA0NDcxNSwic3ViIjoiIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.krOKzROJI87yBcU6-SXtqB9bpK2H6IH9GToiF28x9yzm3w-lJ7_IQvmpuFrltERDOx0pnGWdKnH9NrJB98TmsIsBlyiBQDLlRA8-PaarIO87pJ56UjqPLFhlNR7BYsR3EFvcxNRSLzftZjeyQNVA8CCOVyF2znTYG6knSj42idKY8TbJT_sSpz6f0-Vp813G0hEFWDI41dkJn0USgXKRsoepllxqfl3VnM-4DlMd1RfvDuaS8X2eFv6FThlFqlbqhKGOu2r86wIy7VER002h2k2MFaloJkWvx06bcoHEfG-3PwZG9FrTN7-S8VjpbUtRVbCfGlm7x0-p4-j0jGdkgxGyG6uwmghaQl4DL8tMCXGzjcItwT0GkfxQAFGTVbxC--53qsZRPUuEM8hPcUYeG8HMSAZZlBjNhaSCvUw9zoP2mXm8fH7wC5mSfLJaOLGutf3liXP67Wz_kQ6UeY-SqkHT1lAi8mOvvfHrVSxVObfd28iXIV7VMVHuGIVctsh9to71MCRxhHtVmi_I0VGncBJdzmAZFPwDwzGUNvTY8PjJWLf5b3IixXszw8o357mGEXmAucZySiCzD9gt3LjTaH9oZc505eWbarjpnMUdzRnRcKxvOujUVjyNGjB1LWzx7Hzu1WrjTVzuiRqUB3ts4nYyzTurC9pydf7KAHeBp-c' \ -F amount=1 \ -F reference_no=ORDER99181TEST1 \ -F 'item=baju kemeja' \ -F callback_url= \ -F [email protected] \ -F name=example \
{ "payment_id": "833711424511", "reference_no": "2", "payment_url": "", "status": "created", "created_date": { "date": "2018-07-21 05:28:25.000000", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur" } }